Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 25 - 36 of 41 in total

Class Art Valencia Purple and Ye...

Salon 5 Valencia

Class Art Van CD Design

Salon B14 Van

$20 Gift Card & Bucket of Rita's...

Ritas of Bay Park

$25 World Curry Gift Certificate

World Curry

Disneyland Passes - 4 pack of on...

Disneyland Resort

Fun Around Town

Salon 13 Bertin

Hole Sponsors

Friends of Your Organization
Includes:  Name on sign at golf course hole.  This option does not include in-person at the golf course hole participation.
A $300 in-person golf course hole sponsorship is also being offered, that allow people to be present at the hole for the day, to include tent, table, chairs, business information, handouts, games, drinks, etc.
Includes:  Name on sign at golf course hole.  This option does not include in-person at the golf course hole participation.
A $300 in-person golf course hole sponsorship is also being offered, that allow people to be present at the hole for the day, to include tent, table, chairs, business information, handouts, games, drinks, etc.
Includes:  Name on sign at golf course hole.  This option does not include in-person at the golf course hole participation.
A $300 in-person golf course hole sponsorship is also being offered, that allow people to be present at the hole for the day, to include tent, table, chairs, business information, handouts, games, drinks, etc.

Mike's BBQ - (4) 25.00 gift cards

Mikes BBQ

Mixed Gift Cards

Salon 1 Fuller

$160 Sardina's

$25 Olive Garden

$10 85 Degrees

$25 San Diego Homecooking

$25 VISA

$160 Sardina's

$25 Olive Garden

$10 85 Degrees

$25 San Diego Homecooking

$25 VISA

$160 Sardina's

$25 Olive Garden

$10 85 Degrees

$25 San Diego Homecooking

$25 VISA


Friends of Your Organization

This item includes three mulligans (redo shots) that can be used an individual golfer.  A golfer can only purchase three mulligans.  Mulligans will also be available for sale at the day of the event for $30 via cash and credit card - save $5 and expedite your check-in process.

This item includes three mulligans (redo shots) that can be used an individual golfer.  A golfer can only purchase three mulligans.  Mulligans will also be available for sale at the day of the event for $30 via cash and credit card - save $5 and expedite your check-in process.

This item includes three mulligans (redo shots) that can be used an individual golfer.  A golfer can only purchase three mulligans.  Mulligans will also be available for sale at the day of the event for $30 via cash and credit card - save $5 and expedite your check-in process.

One Month Membership to the Dail...

Dailey Method